Today's Update:
From the Pastor's Desk Our friend, Ms. Daniella Weddle, has recently completed her time at Christ the King. Daniella was here for a year as our Director of Religious Education. She worked with our French-speaking community, organized our Catechesis Program for the children of the parish, and coordinated our youth ministry program for our teenagers. She also assisted enormously in our efforts to build Christ the King’s online presence during the pandemic. God has called her to return to her ministry in France where she will continue to work with young people there. We will miss Daniella a great deal. As we mourn the loss of Daniella, we simultaneously welcome Father Mike Fulton. This Tuesday, Father Fulton will arrive and begin his work as Associate Pastor. Without a doubt, this young priest will contribute to the life of our community and help us build God’s Kingdom on the east side of Columbus. Let us pray for him as he makes this transition from seminary life to parish life. This week, we are also welcoming Ms. Alma Vera to our parish staff. Alma has been hired as our new office administrator. Among her many responsibilities, Alma will be the first point of contact for individuals who call or visit our parish office. You will soon discover that Alma has a warm personality and a missionary heart. I look forward to working with Alma in the months ahead. It turns out that in the midst of so many changes at Christ the King, I have fallen behind my work with the Bishop’s Annual Appeal (BAA). The BAA is critical to the financial security of the Diocese of Columbus. The bishop depends on the support he receives from parishes to keep the diocese running! Know that we will be launching the Bishop’s Annual Appeal at Christ the King within the next few weeks. Please pray about your commitment to supporting our parish, as well as the Diocese of Columbus. May the Lord bless you throughout this week! Father David Schalk Mass times for July 11 - 12 Join us for Mass this weekend at Christ the King at any of the following times: Saturday 4pm Vigil Mass (English) 6pm Vigil Mass (Spanish) Sunday 10am Mass (English) 2pm Mass (Spanish) 6pm Mass (Spanish) 7pm Distribution of Holy Communion only (bilingual) If you are planning on coming to Mass, please read the following instructions first if you haven't already: http://christthekingcolumbus. Livestream Mass Times You are also welcome to join us for livestream Mass every Sunday at the following times:
Please know that we are grateful for your continued support during this time. If you are not able to attend Mass in person, you can still give by: 1) Giving electronically (EFT) – Set up reoccurring donations or simply give one time. This is easy, safe, and secure. Just visit: 2) Giving via the USPS – You can mail in your contributions to the parish office: Christ the King Church, 2777 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus, OH 43209. (Checks should be made out to “Christ the King Church.”) Parish Sub & Tamale Sale Support our new summer parish fundraiser! Order forms are available in the lobby after mass or in the church office during the week. All order forms must be turned in to the parish office or designated tables in the lobby by Monday, July 20, with cash or check made payable to Christ the King Church. Sandwiches and tamales can be picked up in the church parking lot (drive-thru) on Saturday, July 25, between 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. It will be delicious! (This event is bilingual). You can also download and print out a form here:
Also please return your Festival Raffle Tickets! We are finally going to have our drawing for the parish festival that was canceled due to the pandemic. Remaining raffle tickets along with cash or checks made out to Christ the King Church must be returned to the tables in the vestibule or parish office by noon on Friday, July 24. The raffle drawings will be held after the 6:00 pm Mass on Saturday, July 25, and winners will be notified by phone. Thank you for your support! |
Registration for Children's Catechesis We will begin registration for our 2020-2021 Catechesis Program on Friday, August 7. This is our faith formation program for parishioners who are in the first grade through eighth grade. We still do not have all of the details for this program because of the uncertainty of the pandemic. However, we know that the Catechesis Program will begin the first weekend of October. It will either be online or in person – or perhaps a mix of both. More details will be communicated in the weeks ahead. |
New videos from this past week! |