Please know we are very grateful for your generosity and continued support during these challenging times. We will continue to have a “Virtual Offertory” each Sunday. Here's how you can give:
Give electronically (EFT) – Set up reoccurring donations or simply give one time. This is easy, safe, and secure. Just visit:
Give via the USPS – You can mail in your contributions to the parish office:Christ the King Church, 2777 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus, OH 43209. (Checks should be made out to “Christ the King Church.”)
If you have any questions, contact us at
[email protected] or 614-237-0401.
Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday
This Sunday, April 19th, is Divine Mercy Sunday. In addition to watching Mass online at Christ the King, we invite you to take part in the following opportunities:
Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Eucharistic Adoration at Christ the King this Sunday at 3pm (in English, Spanish and French).
As a reminder,
we are now sending out Flocknote parish updates twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you are receiving this message, you are already signed up receive the Tuesday and Friday updates.
Would you like to continue receiving daily videos through Flocknote? If you enjoy the convenience of having Christ the King's daily videos from Fr. Schalk and our staff sent to your inbox or phone, we have also created a new flocknote email list called "Christ the King Videos". All you need to do is click the link below and then select the "Join" button to sign up for the email list. By joining, you will receive a flocknote message
each day (Monday - Friday) which includes our daily videos. You will also receive the Tuesday and Friday flocknote parish updates.
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