The word catechesis comes from the Greek meaning "to echo the teaching" meaning that catechesis or the teaching of the faith is an interactive process in which the Word of God re-sounds between and among the proclaimer, the one receiving the message, and the Holy Spirit! Catechesis is a life-long process of initial conversion, formation, education, and on-going conversion (Catholic News Agency).
Purpose and Description
The Catechesis Program runs on a family model, meaning at least one parent (or a godparent, grandparent, or another role model in the Faith) needs to accompany their child throughout the program.
Families will be immersed in the richness of the Traditions, Sacraments, and Scriptures of the Catholic Church through opportunities for personal and group prayer, study, and participation in Parish life.
The Catechesis Program complements the celebration of the Holy Mass and supplements the formation we receive at the liturgy. Active participation in Sunday Mass every weekend is required for all families; Catechesis is never a substitute for going to Mass.
Classes will rotate between “Family Groups” or “Student Groups,” and “Home sessions” based on the calendar. Classes will be formed based on age and/or sacramental needs. A Catechist will facilitate participation and learning in each Class.
We kindly invite you to drop by our parish offices to register your children.
Program Fees: 1 child=$80 ; 2 children=$140 ; 3 or more children=$180
Requirements: A copy of each child's Baptismal and First Communion Certificate (if applicable), and the registration form.
We are in need of Register for Protecting God's Childrenmany volunteers to make our classes possible!
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Register for Protecting God's Children Class