Our next blood drive will be held this Sunday, September 6,at the Red Cross at 995 East Broad Street. If you are able, please consider donating blood at any time between 9:00 a.m. at 3:00 p.m.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for Alpha! This weekend is Sign up Weekend, so if you or someone you know might be interested in Alpha, make sure to grab a flier as you head out the door of Mass. This year, Alpha will be offered in-person and over Zoom. Alpha is for everyone, no matter where they are in their journey, which makes it the perfect opportunity to invite friends and loved ones. You can also sign up online or learn more about Alpha by visiting https://christthekingcolumbus.com/alpha.
Women's Book Club All women of the parish are invited to a weekly book club, meeting Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom starting September 9. The next book will be A Father who Keeps His Promises by Scott Hahn. Email Terry Cahalan ([email protected]) with questions or to sign up. We hope you can join us!
Remember registration for our Catechesis program (K-8) is due on September 21st! The Catechesis Program will begin the first weekend of October. More details will be communicated in the weeks ahead.
Interested in helping with our 2020-2021 Catechesis Program?Contact Anna Mesker for information at 614-237-0401 x 303 or [email protected].
Do you know an adult who might be interested in becoming Catholic or receiving the Sacraments? Contact the parish office at (614) 237-0401 or email [email protected]
Follow us on Instagram!
We're excited to announce that Christ the King is now on instagram! Help us to expand our online ministry by spreading the word and following us at
@christtheking614 if you're on instagram.