Updated schedule for Mass, Adoration, and Confession
Cleaning volunteers needed
Mass Schedule
The reopening of public Mass has been going well so far... thanks be to God! A big THANK YOU to all of our volutneers and staff who have been working hard to help keep our church safe and clean!
Public Mass Times at Christ the King
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - 7:00 am English
Tuesday, and Thursday - 7:00 pm Spanish
Saturday - Vigil at 4:00 pm English; 6:00 pm Spanish
* Sunday Mass will be available to watch on either
Facebook and
Youtube at the times listed above. Daily Masses will be streamed on Facebook at the listed times and then reposted later in the day on Youtube.
Confessions & Eucharistic Adoration Each Friday, starting on June 5th, we will have Adoration in the church from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm and Confessions from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm (bilingual). No appointment is necessary for Confession.
Volunteers Needed
To promote a safe and welcoming environment, we are looking for more volunteers to help clean after Masses, especially on Monday and Friday mornings. If you are able to help during one of these times, please contact Ashley Logsdon at
[email protected].